
I enjoy playing Dungeons and Dragons, particularly as a DM. With this, I've come to really enjoy the creative writing and planning that come with worldbuilding. I enjoy this at various scales, from planning the creation of a given world, to small trinkets found in a dungeon that may come into play later in the campaign. Level design and writing are two of the biggest skillsets that have come with having this as a hobby, and being involved in game design, it has naturally had a large influence on the way I plan and carry out projects. I also practice a lot of my personal art and graphic design during these worldbuilding efforts.

Tools used

  • OneNote

  • Campfire

  • Roll20

  • Photoshop

  • Asesprite/PyxelEdit

  • Blender

Experience with

  • Dungeon/Level Design

  • NPC Character Creation

  • Encounter/Enemy Balance

  • Quest Creation and integration with the world

  • Improv due to player interactions and unexpected behavior.

I also built a system to parse this art and create a large tile map using Unity's tile mapping system.